Garden Management

Garden Management

Estate and garden design and management across Surrey, Berkshire and London, providing a convenient, single point of contact on all aspects of ensuring your grounds look exactly as you envisaged. Our team of expert gardeners work unobtrusively around your life and – where relevant – collaboratively, alongside any architects and construction teams involved.


Estate Management

Bongardia looks after privately-owned estates. Our team of gardeners are used to working on large estates and work unobtrusively and professionally.

In our experience we have found that the trend to having an external gardening company looking after larger estates is growing and offers clients a lot of benefits; better value for money with higher productivity levels than employing gardeners directly, which can increase the privacy for the client not having to have the gardeners on site everyday. This also gives the client one point of contact to a manager for in the unlikely event of any problems or issues arising avoids any awkward confrontations with the gardeners directly.

Estate management requires a great deal of organisation and care to ensure the site is managed to the highest standard. An initial consultation is required, so that our team can meet with you and gain an insight into what is needed. Following this meeting a management plan can be put in place and tailored directly to the clients needs and expectations.

Private and Residential Management

We offer a complete bespoke garden management service for our clients. Bongardia focuses on maintaining and improving clients’ gardens to the highest standards by putting in place sound cultural management practices and doing the right things at the right times.

To this end individual management plans for structuring and scheduling work are designed to suit the individual requirements of the client and their property.

Bongardia is driven to exceeding clients’ expectations and establishing long-lasting relationships.


Private and Residential Management

We offer a complete bespoke garden management service for our clients. Bongardia focuses on maintaining and improving clients’ gardens to the highest standards by putting in place sound cultural management practices and doing the right things at the right times.

To this end individual management plans for structuring and scheduling work are designed to suit the individual requirements of the client and their property.

Bongardia is driven to exceeding clients’ expectations and establishing long-lasting relationships.


Developers and Landscapers

Bongardia has worked with and alongside developers and landscapers for many years maintaining gardens as they are completed, whether this be as a whole or in phases during the construction process.

We have become specialised in newly built gardens which enables us to focus on ‘plant health’ paying special attention to irrigation and moisture management spotting problems early on and sometimes even before they start, helping avoid unnecessary plant failures. This is all achieved through good regular communication with a proactive approach to problems and finding the best solutions.

Our main aim is to make the developer and landscapers lives as easy as possible.


Our team of experts are available to answer your queries

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